Imagine Royalty, and I mean the Centuries-old Kings and Queen’s banquets and feasts. Pistachio Saffron Ice cream comes right out of the old banquets hostings the whos who of the elites. I make a rendition of this in our home kitchen with a quick simple recipe, using the purest ingredients. I get my saffron from Spain but you can get the same from an Indian or Mediterranean store. Cooked with a mix of full cream, whole milk, pure sugar, and honey infused with saffron and pistachio. this is a lovely dessert for the summertime enjoyed when you are feeling royale.
See our video on making a simple ice cream base (to be added)
Add spices, herbs to increase the nutritional value of your dish. Yes, we know it is ice cream, and yes you can add spices to it.
Pistachio Ice Cream
Course: Recipe4
500 KG Ice cream base
1 TSP Pure Saffron
1/4 Cup Fresh Pistachios, (shelled, unsalted) and Crushed
1 Tablespoon Cardamon CRUSHED
- To the prepared ice, cream base add pistachios and cardamom and pistachios
- Infuse saffron in 1/4 cup of warm/hot milk so that it dissolves completely giving it the characteristic yellow flavor.
- Add the yellow saffron milk to the mixture
- Reduce (cook for 15 mins) till flavors develop
- Cool quickly in an ice bath till temp drop below 50F
- Put it in the refrigerator to cool fully and develop flavors (preferably overnight)
- Mix/Churn in an ICE CREAM machine till soft serve ice cream forms. The machine is not required but having it will create the perfect texture ice cream.
- Put it is ice cream and let it freeze, or enjoy soft serve texture